
Lead Time 20 Weeks
Temperature range -40°C to 105°C
EFT ±4.4KV
Low offset voltage 50 µV
Offset voltage temperature drift 0.05 µV/°C
Low noise 140 nV/ √Hz
High Slew Rate 6 V/us
Gain bandwidth 8 MHz
NOP912(dual) 2.5 mA
Operation power supply 2.7 V to 5.5 V
Rail to rail settle time 1ms
Package Types SOIC8
ESD internal protection ±4KV,Latch-up ±100mA

The NOP912/NOP914 series operational (OP) amplifier is a 2.7~5.5V single-powered OP amplifier with low offset voltage and wide gain bandwidth devices.