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Lead Time | 20 Weeks |
RAM (Byte) | 384B |
Build in 8-bit 65C02 | Yes |
Operating voltage | 1.0 ~ 3.6V |
System Frequency deviation | +/-3% at Vbat 1.5V |
Build in 16 bidirectional GPIO | Yes |
3-pair H/W PWM I/O with 6-bit resolution for LED fading effect | Yes |
AUD output: 12-bit PWM output to drive speaker directly | Yes |
F/W speech synthesis | 5-bit MDPCM, 4-bit MDPCM, 8-bit Log PCM |
No need external Schottky Barrier Diode | Yes |
Typical VP driving current | 30mA |
Built-in IR carrier generation circuit for simplifying firmware IR application | Yes |
Built-in TimerG1 for general purpose applications | Yes |
Harmonized synchronization among MIDI, Speech, and LED | Yes |
Built-in Watch-Dog Timer (WDT) and Low Voltage Reset (LVR) by mask option | Yes |
ROM (KB) | 528 |
The Nuvoton’s BandDirectorSeries is a multi-channel Speech/MIDI product line with advanced Wavetable Melody synthesis technology to implement up to 16-ch Voice/Melody synthesizer.