
Lead Time 20 Weeks , 20 Weeks , 20 Weeks , 20 Weeks , 20 Weeks
Package QFN36L 5x5mm Body, Lead_Pitch 0.4mm , QFN36L 5x5mm Body, Lead_Pitch 0.4mm , QFN36L 5x5mm Body, Lead_Pitch 0.4mm , QFN36L 5x5mm Body, Lead_Pitch 0.4mm , QFN36L 5x5mm Body, Lead_Pitch 0.4mm
Sub-FamilyDescription Dual bipolar stepper motor driver , Dual bipolar stepper motor driver , Dual bipolar stepper motor driver , Dual bipolar stepper motor driver , Dual bipolar stepper motor driver
Control Method Full step to Quarter step, MixedーDecay control , Full step to Quarter step, MixedーDecay control , Full step to Quarter step, MixedーDecay control , Full step to Quarter step, MixedーDecay control , Full step to Quarter step, MixedーDecay control
Control interface Parallel , Parallel , Parallel , Parallel , Parallel
Ron(Ω) 0.95 , 0.95 , 0.95 , 0.95 , 0.95
Operating Voltage(V) 12V/24V , 12V/24V , 12V/24V , 12V/24V , 12V/24V
Output Voltage [max](V) 37 , 37 , 37 , 37 , 37
Output Current [max](A) 1.5 , 1.5 , 1.5 , 1.5 , 1.5
Operating ambient temperature [min](°C) -20 , -20 , -20 , -20 , -20
Operating ambient temperature [max](°C) 85 , 85 , 85 , 85 , 85

The Stepper motors are used in office automation, industrial equipment, and required to have low heat generation, low vibration, and low EMI.